7: Enneagram Type Seven | Core Fears & Desires at Work

What’s the most fun way way to accomplish your to-do list?

Set the scene: You’re busy and feeling overwhelmed with your current workload. Emails are continually flooding your inbox and your coworkers are constantly coming to you with problems. It feels like the madness will never end!

Things that were once exciting and fulfilling now feel daunting and exhausting.

Where does the joy go?

If this sounds like you, let me just encourage you:

  1. You’re not alone.
  2. There is hope!

In my most recent podcast interview, Enneagram Seven Jake Roehl shares his hack for bringing life back into his work. Work that used to take him eight hours to accomplish now takes him two…all because he takes a moment to ask “What is the most fun way to do {insert whatever it is you need to do here}?”

Check out the episode to hear more about how Enneagram Sevens can be a source of joy regardless of their circumstances.

Links mentioned in this episode: